Friday, 10 February 2012


During the middle of each semester student must give a mid term exams in order to get marks which will included in terminal, this exams is to judge or test student on the material covered during first two months. The mid term taken in our university JUW in the middle of each semester, which carry 20 marks so mid term dates were given in the syllabus. You can have all types of question on an exams i.e multiple choice, articles, and true false etc.                                                                                           They turned curricular activities into extra-curricular and when they realize that exams like mid term exams are at the corner it was much too late. Thanks GOD this was not the case for me through like all other girls. I had to better loud the law and order situation which often deprived me irregular from being a regular student and worst the load shedding and thecircumstances.                     Sometime it is very difficult for us to manage and gave equal time to every subject if specially you have two test scheduled in one day. During this period every girl trying their best, to perform good and take good marks in this mid term. For this we must sleep well and take nutrition because it is very good for our health and important factor in keeping our mind and body alert!


  1. Minal.. this highlighting stuff is Annoying. Stop that.

  2. yes minal its so difficult 2 manage the things.. good subject!

  3. tumne subke dil ki baat likh di...good ;)
